Npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf
Npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf

npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf
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Remember, I'm working with print material using a digital production pipeline the two are not necessarily the same, and Catalyst used Adobe products (ID6 for the PDF) while I'm using entirely FOSS stuff. I don't want to modify the built-in character sheet, which is the first-two pages it comes through pretty bad so I'd have to strip off a lot of the stuff, then add it back in using the proper methods. Rather than go specialist, I'd rather just go really long so that people don't have to dig up a special character sheet for everyone my idea is that you can have one sheet on a flash drive and copy it to all of your players, rather than need to send them a link. In short, my goal is to take everything possible into a single 4-5 page sheet and make it flow well.

npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf

Again, in 2.2 there's already a third page with more spell and power/spirit spaces (if you follow the example for "Silver" from my site, you'll see that both I and Catalyst use the slots as such), a second vehicle (there will probably be a couple more on a later page as well). I'll probably include at least 20 slots for cyberware, which should be plenty unless you're Delta'ing a lot of really small things, which could probably go in notes (like cybereye attachments in 3rd Edition, for instance). As an added note, essence loss from cyberware can be calculated. Augmentations aren't as high issue as magic, because they do eat from Essence, and while it's possible to get a lot you probably won't have that many on a starter character, meaning they'll probably go on the end of page 3 or early page 4. Another thing I'm considering is having "Stuff Pages", essentially 1-page standalone things with copied over vehicle/augmentation/weapon/whatever slots, but it's at Priority D, so to speak, after creating a sheet that works for at least 75% of runners without any issue.

npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf

I've already added in an extra vehicle slot. I'm contemplating specialist sheets, but to be honest I may just make it one really, really big sheet and make bookmarks (5 pages would probably be the tops). Source page (plus tutorial) for those who want to make their own: Version 2.5a with calculated attributes and essence as well as extra gear spots. Suggestions for V3 are still open V2.5 will include initiation and submersion, calculated movement speeds, and searchable text on the third page, while V3 will have even more functionality for quick reference, including modified AGI/REA for armor and more fun stuff. In addition, there is a second vehicle section and another Adept Power/Special Abilties section. So here's some links: V1 is the original sheet with just some form fillable stuff, V2.2 is an extended character sheet with some automatic calculations and a third page used both for some of the calculations but also for the wonder that is having enough spell blanks on the character sheet to actually pick a Magic A spellcaster and not run out of room.

Npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf how to#

However, I happen to have Scribus and a few clues about how to use it, so without further ado, I present my form fillable character sheet for SR5.

Npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf pdf#

The first thing I noticed when I went through SR5 is that there was no form fillable sheet (seriously, with PDF releases, you'd think companies publishing character sheets would just make them when they were working on the original PDF's).

Npc cheat sheet shadowrun 5 pdf